Focus on Flagler Youth
PO Box 1598
Bunnell, FL 32110 US
Currently our monthly meetings are being hosted virtually through Zoom. Be a part of the solution. Contact us today to receive the link to participate.
4th Wednesday of the month at 10am.
"I was simply going to drop my child off, but this was so much fun.I decided to stay and asked how I could help "
- Parent, 2020 Natural High Spring Break Volleyball Tournament
"I did not realize playing on a construction site could be considered to be a crime"
- Grandmother
Every growth begins with a step. Now, you can take that step to learn more abour our programs and intiatives. Don't let time get in the way of you achieving healthy growth and fulfillment. You can help reduce/prevent substance abuse. You can help avoid youth delinquincy. Contact us today.
The mission of the Coalition is to support, create and advocate for programs that enable Flagler youth and their families to achieve healthy growth and fulfillment; specifically strategies to prevent and/or reduce substance abuse, delinquency and to enhance school engagement.
Focus on Flagler Youth
PO Box 1598 Bunnell FL 32110 US
Copyright Focus on Flagler Youth.
All Rights Reserved.